Tips from the GREENHOUSE

Addressing cobalt deficiencies in soil

Cobalt is a building block of B12. It is the only mineral that is a key component to vitamin structures.  Typically it is developed within the stomach and small intestine, by bonding a carbon and nitrogen element to the cobalt element. The bonding of these elements can only be performed when the stomach acid is not disrupted by an antacid tablet, or other forms of drugs that disrupt the stomach acid function. The body utilizes minerals to perform many amino acid functions throughout the body.  Any disruption of B12 formation can impact the body’s utilization of titanium, vanadium, chromium, magnesium, iron, nickel, copper, zinc, gallium and germanium. If a list were compiled of all the symptoms of mineral deficiencies associated with these minerals, the result would be a considerable list of serious conditions. The role of B12 within the body is one of the most essential vitamins, for the utilization of many minerals.

Most nutritionists have identified food sources of B12 to include meat, fish, eggs, whole-grain cereal, bananas, avocados, nuts, seeds and some green leafy vegetables. Soil Solutions soil conditioners have an increased level of cobalt, in two of their products.  The fertility and potency formula is designed to replenish and maintain the nutrients in the reproductive organs, of both men and women.  Cobalt deficiencies have been identified as having an effect on the incidence of spina bifida.   The Soil Solutions Memory formula also has an increased level of cobalt in it.  Cobalt plays a critical role in brain function, along with utilizing the above listed minerals for proper amino acid function.  In their book, Nutritional Medicine Dr. Stephen Davies and Dr. Alan Stewart reported “that a researcher in Chicago observed that hair cobalt levels are very low in violent offenders compared to normal people.”   This may represent a correlation that cobalt deficiencies may impact society.

Third party lab testing has demonstrated that plants grown in these two Soil Solutions products have a significant increase of cobalt.  Further research needs to be performed to determine the effectiveness of plant-based cobalt in increasing the B12 level, within the body. One thing is for certain, that a plant is capable of uptaking significant amounts of cobalt, once bioavailable cobalt is introduced into the garden.

We are hoping this significant increase in plant uptake of cobalt may someday demonstrate that a vegetarian is capable of maintaining proper B12 function within the body, through a plant based diet. We have identified labs that can test and monitor the cobalt level within the blood, or B12 levels, as a standard test.  Our hope is to team up with nutritionists who are able to monitor and identify the feasibility of cobalt consumption through a 100% whole food product.

Naturally Noble is producing foods grown in the Soil Solutions products described above.  These foods are marketed as wheatgrass products, which are capable of delivering elevated levels of cobalt, through 100% percent plant-based whole foods.

If you have any questions regarding these products, or anything described above please contact us at or (307) 640-7265.

Robert J. Van Risseghem

CEO Naturally Noble, Inc.

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